The business want to offer SaaS solution for wide range of E-Commerce clients. They want to improve the most critical to UX pages such as Product page and Checkout.
I was the only designer on the project, worked with stakeholders and development team. During design sprint I performed competitor analysis, prototyping and test UI solution. Currently all changes implemented for internal clients.
I started my work by analysing main and second competitors and find most common UI solution/patterns of certain blocks and then prepared summary for stakeholders.
Upon first 2 iteration I updating pages accordingly to my insights with the default visual style.
After finalise mockups I started testing how pages scales on different visual styles and share results with the team.
I helped developer team with mobile adaptation before sign-off design artefacts and design QA on staging. Even for a tight time frame I helped business to provide best practices in E-commerce domain for their SaaS solution.