Forte Bank

Forte Bank, Kazakhstan


Mobile App
UX Audit
User Testing
Design System


The client provide banking services in Asia. The main challenge client faced was low customer satisfaction and app store ratings for the daily banking app.


As the main designer in collaboration with lead designer, I prioritised main and secondary user flows. Designed wireframes and fixed UX gaps. Developed a design system from scratch and helped client’s design team with implementation.

Task / Problem space

Increase app store rating
Improve UX
Redesign current UI solution
Make design system

Action 1

I started on desk research to understand current UX issues and get familiar with user personas, and analytic reports.

Action 2

We prioritised user flows and generated wireframes during stakeholders' sessions, and validated the finished flows by developing time. After the wireframing stage, we designed a visual conception of the future app. The main challenge was to adapt current branding guidelines for digital space and optimise patterns.

Action 3

The biggest stage was scaling visual style into wireframes and designing edge cases during a deep dive into user flows in many categories. The transfer flow is one of them, and leads to many branches including integrations with Visa and MasterCard services.

Action 4

Stakeholders decided to make a pivot at the end of the project. The idea was to change the strategy to a super app instead of daily banking. In this strategy, the app becomes an entry point of all bank services. We worked with IA structure to add a new main entry and tested core screens and flows after changes.


We delivered mockups with big knowledge base that is a part of Design System, instructions for components usage, UX patterns, and layout guidelines.


Our design team successfully redesigned the banking app. We implemented the new interface that allowed users to navigate through various bank services efficiently. After couple iterations of supporting development team the store rating increased in a couple of months.

Project Name
Class Tag
Web Platform